Latest Digital marketing Trends in 2018 | Yesu Mandro

Latest Digital marketing Trends in 2018 | Yesu Mandro

As 2017 is going to end, All companies are busy in planning for their strategies in digital marketing for 2018. The 2018 year is going to be very popular for digital marketing trends as prominent marketing strategies will be replaced by emerging technologies and platforms.
So, you should be updated about the trends in digital marketing that are going to come by next year.
Latest Trends in Digital Marketing
1. AI-Powered Content Creation:

The content will not change in the upcoming years but the way of creating content will remain in the hands of artificial intelligence. The prominent platforms such as ForbesAmazon utilize this user-generated content. Artificial Intelligence is included in the content creation such as writing an article for websites, planning social media posts and also creating content according to the interests of users.
In future, in the sector of digital marketing, The marketers will try to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence to create content. The content creation tools with automatically evaluate the user’s requirements and would write a content on the basis of main keywords.
2. Chat Bots:

Chatbots were it used to interact with the customers at an initial stage as they decrease the response time and interact better with the customers. Chatbots can be utilized to drive the personalized email digital marketing campaigns or to even interact directly with a customer. In order to collect information, This method will aid in the better performance of content marketing.
3. Voice Search and Digital Assistants:

With the help of voice search and digital assistants, the way of communication will be transformed. One of the main reasons for the rise in voice search over the years is because humans speak around 150 words per minute but could type only 40 words.
According to the statistics by Google, the voice search queries have gone twice in the last year and around 50% of searches were voice searches. The increase in the voice searches aids to create a need for long keywords and excellent content as voice search optimization holds the future of SEO.
4. Visual Search:

The image that is processed in our brain is 6000 times faster than reading content. So, various search engines came up with their form of visual technology in digital marketing for faster search results.
In digital marketing, The ephemeral content that is the option of stories that we use in Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook etc. Is the new leader in digital marketing as it has a chance for better visibility and users are more engaged when compared to normal feed.
This type of video could be utilized to promote the offers that are limited. We can see this option like the visual search started by Bing is an improvement of Bing’s image search that will help the user to select a particular product shown within a larger image. This trend of visual search will surge with voice search and also will be one of the factors in ranking a website in future.
5. RankBrain:

It is an Artificial Intelligence program that is developed by Google in order to process the search queries. This method is going to solve all the search queries that are related not even in digital marketing but also in the other sectors. It is the third most important ranking factor of Google.
Rank brain automatically learns new queries and then revises the search engine results pages according to it. This method has broader links for keyword research and ranking in digital marketing.
Different algorithms will be utilized for each search query. It would help in enhancing the user experience, good content and also improve journey mapping for customers who are visiting the e-commerce websites on digital marketing.
6. Big Data:

The Big Data infers to massive volumes of data that are arranged with the help of predictive and behavior analytics. Previously, big data was utilized to track the climate information, Transaction records, GPS signals etc. But presently, big data is being used in digital marketing.
Every second around 40 gigabytes of data is being produced. So, a mass analytical engine is required to process all of it. Big data can be utilized in order to position ourselves that could be found easily through organic search.
Big data can help in enhancing SEO, managing many campaigns etc. When lots of content is being published, then it will become easy to convert it into semantic information as it is easier to evaluate the data rather than content. Familiarizing with different schemes in digital marketing will put the marketers in front of their competition.
7. Digital Advertising:

Nowadays there are so many ways of advertising that no one knows that from where to start. But in the field of digital marketing, Digital marketing trends will be big in 2018.When we speak of advertising in digital marketing. The one thing is that you should be taken care in that experiment and search for new avenues to grow.
8. Rise of Augmented Reality:

The augmented reality is one of the best digital marketing trends, Through the mobile devices will give way for marketers to engage more in the sector of digital marketing. In order to reach the target audience and that will be easy and interactive.
A lot of social channels are planning to introduce new methods of integrating augmented reality in their platforms. The application Snapchat has a new feature that allows its users to their Bitmoji. And project themselves or images through the app’s camera.
Through the app IKEA, we can be rolled out place through which furniture can be viewed before buying. Very soon, brands will be able to project the products in the homes of social media users through special filters.

9. Rise of B2B Influencer Marketing:

The business to business marketing depends on it influencers in digital marketing. So, more effective ways will look out to reach potential partners in digital marketing.
Business to business marketing involves more social media channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Unlike business to consumer, the business to business influencer marketing mostly focuses on long-term relationships. If a small group of influencers is focused, then it will foster that relationship.
I believe this article “Latest Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know in 2018” helped you. If you have any doubt regarding this subject. Please make sure to comment.
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